Some highlights from Seattle media from reviews for “An Evening of One Acts”:
Dusty Somers, The Seattle Times (July 26, 2014):
“Foubert nails the Martin-esque oblivious puffery while Skerritt is perfect as his peeved foil.” [in Patter for the Floating Lady]
“Willie is seeking help to free his enslaved people, and he resurrects Blue’s brothers, Cisco and Sycamore (a rip-roaring David Foubert and a perpetually irritated Chris Ensweiler) to contribute to the freedom fighting.” [in The Unseen Hand
Danielle Palmer-Friedman, The Daily (July 30, 2014):
“David Foubert, who plays The Magician, provides the proper amount of quirk to his role, simultaneously impersonating and reinventing this embodiment of Martin.” [in Patter for the Floating Lady]
Jeffery Totey, The Examiner (July 30, 2014):
“All of the actors involved (Jessica Skerritt, Eric Ray Anderson, Quinn Armstrong, Chris Ensweiler, David Foubert and Hana Lass) are all excellent in their roles and go for broke during their performances.”
Jay Irwin, (July 27, 2014):
“All three actors have a complete grasp on the comedic timing of the piece but also that quirky Martin style of talking about one thing but conveying something completely different. And it’s this one that completely worked for me and get’s a YAY from me with my three letter rating system.” [in Patter for the Floating Lady]
Margaret Friedman, Seattle Weekly (July 29, 2014):
“A confident cast, savvy direction by R. Hamilton Wright, and superior staging and effects boost this comely production beyond the generically titled sum of its parts.”